Banking Training institute in Nepal

The banks and banking jobs are the dreams of many students and professionals. Many of us want to be in this charming profession, for this we do all the needful in education sector, we study hard. We do our best in educational curriculum but only schooling or college education is not enough to grab this opportunities. We need to prepare ourselves in many more different aspects. We need to grow different abilities and qualities that we don’t even take in considerations. After completing my graduation, I myself don’t know what to do next. So I decided to to join one banking training institute. But to find either there is any banking training institute was a headache for me. I went through numerous sites but couldn’t figure out the accurate information where and how many institutes are there who provides banking training in Nepal. After lot of hassles and hard work I found some institute that provides banking training in Nepal. They are:

BTI:- +977-1-4 482138
KFA:- +977-1-4 491414, 4 482290
NBI:- 977 – 1 – 4415903, 4415905, 4436001

For banking jobs we must go through these types of banking trainings and other motivational and personality development trainings & workshops. These types of training not only enhance and polish your abilities but also build up your self confidence. And self confidence along with the communication abilities is a must for banking sectors. All the above institutes are in Kathmandu and they don’t have any branches in other places of Nepal except Kathmandu Valley. I still don’t know whether these types of institutes exists in other parts of Nepal or not. I will get you updated as soon as I get any information about these types of banking training institutes in other parts of Nepal.